About Rawmona

Rawmona represents the inner child who lives inside each + every one of us: the innocent, sensitive + wise little one who believes in the magic of the Universe + whose imagination knows no bounds; the one who loves to play + create + deeply understands our profound connection to the beautiful planet we get to call home + our interconnectedness to all living beings.

We all come from, are made of and are part of Creation itself, and we all hold the capacity to understand and connect with one another through a Divine language. This language is Universal, infinitely creative and has no need for words. It is the language of Nature. God speaks through Nature. No matter who we are or where we are from, She speaks through our senses transcending the limited meaning of spoken words, illuminating our hearts through awe, beauty and magic.

Nature communicates through stars, flowers, trees and leaves. Every animal, every seed, and every rock are living beings, and they all have a message for you. You just have to be willing to slow down. Listen. What do you hear? What do you FEEL?

The pieces you see in Rawmona’s Craft Shop are intended as a celebration of the magic that exists all around us + the beauty Mother Earth has created for us.